Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What does the Derb think of the election results?

Here is John Derbyshire's piece on National Review Online. Derbyshire correctly, in my view, tells us what is so wrong about Obama. He does come from a cultural Marxist background and has never repudiated it.

I flirted with that worldview in my younger days but thankfully I wisened up. You have to go through tremendous mental-calisthenics to continue to believe in leftie nonsense after the twentieth century. I gave up on the left after the Sandinistas were defeated in that election that was forced upon them in the 1980s. Guys like Obama must employ a sophistry or a slickness to hide or rationalize their leftness that is beyond my ability to contemplate or understand.

So I would disagree with Derb's assessment that Obama is shallow and ignorant. I think O has cleverly take advantage of the shallowness and ignorance of many American voters. And is because of this that I do agree with Derb that the upcoming Obama years will be sad.

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