Monday, November 10, 2008

Random Thoughts or Vegetates

  • The guards at the gate of our apartment complex are amused whenever they see me arrive on my electric bike. I must be quite the site: a long beanpole on a scooter.
  • This afternoon, I watched the David Lean directed Summer Time starring Katherine Hepburn. It was wonderfully shot. The credits were the most interesting I have ever seen in a movie: you had the feeling that Vincent Van Gogh had designed them. Venice was shown to perfection. Too bad, the story was dull. But I want to go to Venice.
  • As I said in the previous entry, I went shopping Monday afternoon. I bought two Dr. Seuss books for Tony at Xinhua book store. I spent twenty minutes looking for the volumes which I had seen on a previous visit there. But Xinhua seems to move its stock about instead of updating it. I bought Dr. Seuss's ABC and If I Ran the Circus. The volumes are meant for Chinese readers but contain English. T is for ten tired turtles on a tuttle-tuttle tree.
  • My electric bike hit a car or rather glanced it. If you see the video Wuxi Tony Update Knot, you will see the damage done. What happened was I misjudged a Mazda that was turning and cutting me off. The cutting me off made me want to strike the car in some way. I hope the driver hurt the thud of impact. No one was hurt. There is a scratch on my bike and hopefully a scratch on the corner of the Mazda.
  • My wife tells me that it is cold in the countryside. While it is not so cold in the city. Is this because of global warming? I should think not.
  • Controversy causes spikes in my visitor stats. I am now getting numbers on this blog to rival my other blog. Come here for your daily dish of dirt. He he he. Wo shi agent provocateur
  • I also went shopping today at the Baoli Carrefour. I bought food I needed for me. And I didn't buy that much and I blew my budget. While I will be happy to see my wife and son tomorrow, I hope the wife don't broach the subject of how much I spent. Sheesh. And the urges that I didn't gave into while I was at Baoli won't get me any credit. That is, I didn't go to any restaurants.
  • I will be happy when this period of self-indulgence is over. The guilt is taking the fun out of it.
  • I am trying to figure out what the hell the maid was trying to tell me this morning. She was in the kitchen when she talked. I must have done something in the kitchen that went against all her assumptions. I know when I get through with the kitchen, my wife gets irate. Maybe, the maid didn't like my making popcorn the old fashioned way with cooking oil and a wok.
  • I have just finished watching my second David Lean film tonight, Great Expectations, based on the novel by Dickens that I have here in Hui Shan but haven't got around to reading yet. The movie was terrific. It was great to see a young Alec Guiness, aka Obi Wan aka Prince Feisal. I will still read the novel, one day. But I first have to finish the Obama tome.

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