Saturday, November 29, 2008

MIssed it by that much!

Another blog entry from another blog, not mine, inspired me to look up my Latvian name Day. And wouldn't you know, it was on November 20th!

If you had told me even seven years ago that I, this person of Latvian heritage, would be teaching English in China and worrying if a couple of Brisbane, Australia boys were suffering from colds, I would have said "you just never know where life can take you." It is been a strange trip for me; stranger than I could ever have imagined. Where will I be in five years?

Work has started on the Wuxi subway. They have been taking soil samples, I have learned. I didn't realize what was being done till someone who knew and I passed workers doing that exact thing. So, I have been seeing the soil sample takings happening in my area of Wuxi for the last month.

I have been waiting for the longest time for the next David Warren Column. I had subscribed to his newsletter and almost two weeks passed before I received my first one. I then immediately learned why he had not published a column for a while: his father had died.

It is ten o'clock at night and the wife and son are asleep. I will soon join them. I got to work tomorrow.

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