Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chinese Century?

Tony was asleep when I got home. And my wife went to bed shortly after he did. The K family is one tired bunch these days.

Tony can turn the computer at home off. He knows how. And he is also a little too fascinated by the keyboard.

Some of the students and Yank-hating expats have this cocksure feeling that China won't be unduly effected by the Economic Crisis. One student told me that their government's macro management policies with Chinese characteristics will see them through. They may even feel that the 21st century will be China's. But I say don't be so sure. China will get grey become it gets rich. Its' demography will doom it.

The Big O is going to try to save the economy he did so much to wreck. Good luck.

I didn't see any accidents on my way home tonight. The rule seems to be when I see one, I soon see another one right after. That is, accidents happen in twos.

One student said that the competitors of the big three automakers would love it if the U.S. government bailed them out. Instead of maybe a smarter, leaner company emerging from the ashes, the dead horses would be kept in the game with less of a chance to prevail than ever.

I was asked to go to the pub tonight. I had to refuse the offer. My wife wouldn't approve and I would have such pangs of conscience that I wouldn't enjoy myself anyway. I much prefer blogging while the wife and son sleep in the other room.

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