Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I wil find out Wednesday Morning.

It is late Tuesday night here in Wuxi, China. I believe that the Americans are going to the polls now. And I assume that I will know the results of the election tomorrow when I get up. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope to **** that that fraud Obama doesn't get elected. The world seems hell-bent on destroying itself with this talk of doing something about climate change; and with America seemingly set to elect Obama, there is a potential for actual damage to be done to the world that would dwarf the imaginary damage attributed to the Bush administration.

The world, whether it likes it or not, needs America more than ever. The U.N. and E.U. are monstrous bureaucratic institutions that offer no true hope for mankind. I would choose America over the U.N. anytime in solving world problems. I have no problem with America acting as a World policeman if it so choose. An election of Obama would represent the surrender of the American ideal to these world bodies. It would be a damn shame.

Please America! Don't elect 0!

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