Sunday, November 23, 2008

I take the bus.

As Homer Simpson said "public transportation is for losers." And I believe in an enlightened world instead of the one we are stuck in, private providers would provide adequate transportation for the all the public. Be that as it may, I took the bus home tonight. I wasn't interested in riding the scooter home in the cold and damp.

I sludging myself through the mush of the Big O's Audacity of Hope. I am now slogging through the chapter on race. I notice he talks about Asian-Americans when it suits his arguments but omits them when it doesn't. He mentioned the internment of Japanese during WWII. He noticed how there were few elected Asians in congress. (Throughout the book, he can't seem to walk in a room without noticing the racial composition, head-counting as it were, but that's another story) But he didn't mention Asians at all when it came to comparing various racial groups on economic performance. Asians beat out Whites, Latinos, and Blacks academically and financially in America. Whites being number two were actually portrayed as being number one since O segregated them from the Asians from these tables.

There is an argument to be made that ethnic groups that count on politicians saving them don't perform well in school and business. The Asians in America have better things to do than wait for a President Gei Wo Qian to save them.

Watch WTU 230 and you will see Tony grooving to the old British Punk Band the Jam.

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