Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Failing Students.

I hate to fail students, but it has to be done.  Sometimes, the students don't do the work so they don't deserve to pass even if they can satisfy the most minimal or requirements.  Sometimes, the students are "biting off more than they can chew" and their progression through the lessons has to be slowed down.

The past two evenings, I had failed three students.  They didn't know any of the vocabulary and they couldn't even make a full sentence response to any of my questions.  Their hearing was awful as well. 

This was bad enough but in their previous classes, they had been given a grade of "A".  It is galling for me to realize we have teachers who just don't care or are too lazy to do the hard, but necessary thing to improve their students' English.

All the time the students have spent here and to see they have learned nothing angers me.  There is a reason most other Expats in China look down their noses at the English teachers in their midst.  I am almost ashamed to admit I am English teacher sometimes.

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