Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Wife is Mad.

We spent too much money this month.  Or so the wife says, and now she is in one of those moods where she is sullen and silent.  The wife, being Chinese, does not realize the awkwardness this puts me under just before Christmas time. 

We are supposed to go to a Restaurant tomorrow with Friends to have a Christmas Eve dinner.  The wife doesn't want to go.  She thinks that if I tell everyone she is tired, I can go by myself to the dinner.  That don't look good.  It also happens to be my birthday tomorrow so the situation is doubly bad.  A man has to spend these important days with his family.  If she don't go; I don't go.

I can only hope she gets out of her mood by tomorrow. 

I wonder if her moods are cyclical.  She was in a good mood last night.  So there was no direction for her mood to go but down.  I went to work today.  When I came home, she started getting testy.  Some gaffe I made caused her to snap at me.  I can't remember what the gaffe was.  Maybe, I didn't turn off a light....   Now, I remember.  I put the baby on its back for a second after he had been fed.  Tony then spit up what he been fed -  My fault and I had just earned her ire.  In the back of my mind, I was thinking oh-oh!

When she gets in these moods, I can't talk to her.  Anything I say meets a Chinese Great Wall of silence.

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