Sunday, December 2, 2007


I just got a call from the Canadian Consulate, in Shanghai, concerning Tony's application for a citizenship certificate.  They told me that the original Chinese copy of Tony's birth certificate is not clear enough to read so we to go back to the hospital and get another copy.  This will be the second time we will have to go back to hospital on account of this problem.  The first time was because the Wuxi notary public, who had to translate it, could not read the certificate.  They could read the corrected copy but now the Consulate cannot.  So, we have to do it again and I have to make three more unnecessary trips:  to the hospital, the notary public and to Shanghai.  The printer at Hospital #4 is shit and we had to handwrite on the document which is fine but the consulate can't read it.  F***!

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