Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tony had a good sleep.

  • The Toner slept like a baby last night.  He wasn't up at some god awful hour asking to be held. 
  • The wife has Tony sleeping in his crib.
  • Today, we are going to the B &Q to buy kitchen supplies for our new apartment.  But first, we will go take a first gander at newly born Amy Grant.
  • Yesterday, Yankee Wombat had a posting about Anti Americanism.   Today, Seablogger has a posting about A-A.  A phenomenon I am all too familiar with living in Wuxi.  I have heard things about Americans that would be racist if applied to any other group of people.  And this is from Leftists who talk about the bad old days of racism before the 1970s.  Growing up as a Canadian, my thought process was infected with A-A till I realized it was a result of my wanting Canada to be on a cultural level with the USA.  America is such a overwhelmingly powerful influence on Canada, it being so close and all.  And so Canadians are jealous.  Our governments have made the mistake time and time again of trying to copy America's strong self-identity with government policy.  As has France.
  • In China, I see they want the American lifestyle.  I see proof here that America has won the battle of ideas in the late 20th century.  And yet, A-A persists among foreigners.   
  • It is hard to square talk from A-A types about how dumb Americans are, with all the unique things they have accomplished and the global popularity of American culture.  One visceral Anti-American, I know, said it was because America was good at Science.  "Science" said the man, "is easy compared to trying to devise theories about society."
  • I haven't loaded a video on Youtube in 15 minutes?  you say.  Actually, it has been longer than that.  I have uploaded a Tony update for my parents who live in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.


  • The King and I went to the Australian Pub last night.  He asked me what I had bought my wife for Christmas.  I replied "Oh *****!".   Having the Toner and being in China, it is easy to forget about Christmas.
  • I am half way through the second season of the Wire that I bought on pirated DVD. I am still liking it.  Many of these HBO serial dramas lose me in the second season.  Not , The Wire however.

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