Thursday, January 8, 2009

This site requires registration!

I left a comment at this blog entry to which the blog author kindly replied. The author did make a suggestion which I am thinking to heed but I will have to convince my wife to go along with it. I should get a typepad account. It seems this blog and my favorite blog are powered by it. My should be too if I could afford it.


Anonymous said...

No, no, 'Blogger' will do quite nicely. However, if you do go to 'Typepad' take the cheapest deal which is $49.50 per annum.

Anonymous said...

Ah, now I have worked it out - as they will write on my gravestone "He was slow but game!"

When you first hit my blog it was from your "Live Spaces" address rather than your blog, hence my reluctance to register to it. However, now I see you have a fully-fledged blog so all is revealed. I will give your site a plug - but what you will do with my reader I do not know!

I share your admiration for Alan Sullivan.