Thursday, January 15, 2009

Camille Paglia latest column.

Seablogger labels Camille Paglia an iconoclast (another iconoclast I admire is David Warren though he wouldn't see eye-to-eye with Paglia.). She certainly does not tow any party line. While she does like Obama, she is honest enough to admit that his speeches are hot air. She sees the virtues of talk radio, especially Rush Limbaugh. She has even tried to put forth the proposition that the Titanic movie was great but quickly admitted she was wrong (One reader said that the Titanic director made an hilarious mistake by casting Leonardo DiCaprio as a man). And She doesn't believe in Global Warming. She comes across as fair-minded which is hard to say for most on the Left these days.

In this recent column where Paglia responds to letters, one reader commended her for a piece called Revalorization of the trades. Said the reader: Time to remove the stigma and recognize trades for the skilled and professional work they are (and to bring that level of professionalism to them). The letter made me think about what they do in China. Many of our students have degrees in things like HVAC and air-conditioning. I had the attitude that it was a joke to call these trade diplomas, degrees. But I now realize that it is not such a bad idea after all, and the Chinese are right to give degrees for this learning.

I didn't see any cure Ox or Cow displays to mark the oncoming year of in Wuxi today.

Wuxi drivers are the worst drivers I have ever seen. This happened to me tonight: on my left was a car cutting me off; on my right at the same time, a bicycle was passing me as I was swerving to avoid the car. Are Wuxi drivers short-sighted, or stupid? I can't figure it out.

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