Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cold and Crisp in Wuxi.

It has been cold and crisp in Wuxi these days, which is a lot better than rain.

I haven't been back to Canada in over four years. I miss the food. I miss the open spaces. I don't miss hockey.

In fact, I am finding that I care less and less about sports, the longer I stay in China. One reason for this is that I don't watch sports on television anymore. Another reason is that is hard to get video feeds on the Internet. I will look at the results of the NFL playoffs but I have no emotional attachment to any of the teams.

I expect 2009 to be a horrible year, news-wise. The Big 0 makes me want to gag as the expression goes. This entry from Seablogger doesn't subtract from my pessimism. The Big 0 has unmitigated evil intentions, whether he knows it or not. If 0 was as smart as they say he is, he wouldn't talk like a Marxist.

I took Tony and my wife to my school's Chinese New Year Dinner last night. You can check out some photos from the event here. Tony doesn't seem to enjoy going out that much. After a while last night, he was inconsolable. Jenny and I couldn't stop him from throwing fits.

Wuxi locals will try to defend their indefensible driving habits. One student today told me that there is a greater proportion of professional drivers on Wuxi roads than in North America who are able to take risks ordinary drivers in Canada and America wouldn't dare dream of.


madfolly said...

I just arrived in Copenhagen and as an American who has recently moved to London I can't tell you how delighted I was to find the Eagles/Giants game on Danish television tonight. I googled about it and found your entry last year about watching the same channel in China.

When I was reading your current entry about not really being into the NFL games this year, I thought I'd mention to you. I got it this year and watched a bunch of games in HD online; it worked really well and it was a nice touch of home, commercials included. You might want to give it a try...

I've bookmarked your site and look forward to reading it.

wuxi andis said...

I appreciate your comment. Thank you for bookmarking the site.

I remember being able to watch NFL football on the TVU player courtesy Danish Delight. But I couldn't get the feed once the conference finals came around.

The problem for me is the time difference and having a child out here. It does make it hard.

I watched the highlights of the divisional playoffs on The Cardinals are hosting a conference final? What is the world coming to?