Monday, March 24, 2008

We got to wear Ties.

The president of the mother corporation that the school is a part of has made his wife a vice-president at our school.  She is responsible for customer service and lord knows what else.  She has been making the receptionists work on their posture.  The Study Assistants have to wear uniforms.  And now we have to wear ties.  It was either that, or wear ties and a suit.  The school will provide us the ugliest tie possible in hopes of making us look more professional.  This V.P. has also started a customer service program where the students can vote for the staff members they think have provided the best service.  This means they can vote for the teacher they like the most. 

The foreign trainers don't care much for any of these ideas.  A popularity contest for teachers to me and the others seems unproductive.  Students won't like to vote for the teacher who is strict and wants them to work and actually learn something.   One trainer has said he will quit if he is forced to wear a tie.  He said he never even wore one at his wedding.

Stay tuned to see what happens....

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