Sunday, March 16, 2008

No Water.

Saturday morning, the water heater in the apartment started to leak.  That is China for you.  Nothing is made to last.  And so, I have not had a hot shower in two days. 

I thought the repairman was supposed to come yesterday but, of course this being China, he didn't.  This morning I was told.  I was up early morning with the expectation that I wouldn't be taking a shower and prepared to wash myself with a basin.  I brought out the kettle and boiled some water.  I was able to wash my hair in the basin.  But just after I finished rinsing my hair, I turned on the tap and nothing happened.  Now, there is not only no hot water but no water at all.

So, it has been a morning of negative progress.  We are now waiting for a water company rep and a water heater repairman to come.

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