Monday, March 17, 2008


To hear the news of what is happening in Tibet is depressing.  And it is depressing to be here in China because it is not being talked about.  Foreigners are all talking about the events (some can get CNN on satellite), of course,  but they fear broaching the subject with the Chinese.  No Chinese person has brought the subject up.

The Chinese media is talking about it and they are putting their spin on it saying members of a Dalai Lama Clique are attacking innocent Chinese in Lhasa.

I feel I am between a rock and a hard place.  If I wasn't married to a Chinese woman, I think I would leave here.  As it is, I have a feeling of dread because I can't.  As well, the Olympics are not going to be a success for China.  And this failure could turn into a resentment of foreigners, not an unusual thing if you have read anything about the history of China.  It is always below the surface ready to boil over.

We are doing these Olympic English events at the school and I hate doing them more than ever.

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