Monday, March 24, 2008

Car cuts off Bicycle.

There are a lot of cars in Wuxi and a lot of bicycles.  There are so many cars that it is hard to find parking spots for them.   The city has set up bicycle lanes on the right-hand sides of roads in hopes of separating cars and bicycles. 

The arrangement generally works but of course the Chinese will cheat.  I have often seen scooters being ridden on sidewalks or going the wrong way in the car lanes.  And Cars will drive on Sidewalks.

To have a car is to be King in China.  Drivers seem to have no consideration for pedestrians or cyclists.  I have often seen cars blaring their horns at pedestrians who happen to be in their way on a sidewalk.  I will make a rude gesture when a car honks at me from behind when on the sidewalk.  Also, cars will often not stop or slow down when making right hand turns.

This morning, I saw a car make a right turn across the bicycle lane and cut off a bicycle.  The cyclist had to made a quick evasive right turn because the driver just didn't look.  The cyclist then had to dismount from her bicycle or else tumble down.  In Canada, the cyclist would have reacted angrily.  In China, the woman took it matter-of-factly.  There was consternation of her face but no movement indicating anger at the driver.

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