Saturday, March 29, 2008

An afternoon with the King of Wuxi. A rare evening's blogging.

I can blog in the evening because there is no one sleeping in the second bedroom in which our computer is located.  This rare respite from in-laws will change tomorrow when Jenny's natural mother comes to help her look after Tony.

While the wife was looking after the new apartment, We (that being Tony and I) spent Saturday afternoon with his majesty the King of Wuxi and his consort Steph and Prince Thomas.

We went to Bolters for lunch.  I enjoyed their burger.

From there, it was off to a lumber yard because his majesty is going to construct a deck in his new apartment.  At the lumber yard, I played with the kids and thus attracted a crowd of Chinese who presumably had never seen a foreigner play with two foreign-looking children before.  One thing I do like about these encounters is that I can get ladies to hold Tony and relief myself of the burden of holding his now 11 kg frame.

The King in preparation for his bid for the U.S. presidency, has shaved his beard.  The last president he knew to have had a beard was Abe Lincoln who was shot.  While Lincoln surely wasn't the last president to sport a beard, the ones who did were non-entities historically so the King reasoned that to be clean-shaven would increase his chances of winning the election and not getting shot. 

The King and I are making up our own fairy tales to tell our children.  I am telling my son and his son Thomas political allegories where the moral is don't vote Democratic (in the case of the U.S.) and Liberal (in the case of Canada).  For instance I told Thomas the story of a politician named Goldilocks who tried to be everything to all three bear voters and thus earned the murderous wrath of Papa Bear when the promises she made to the other two bears increased his taxes.

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