Monday, January 7, 2008

Cultural Differences.

Today, I will list some cultural differences between Canada and China that I have seen in my three or so years here in Wuxi.

  • A Chinese teenager will tell you that he spend his weekend with his parents.  A Chinese teenager will tell you he will spend his Friday or Saturday night at home watching t.v. and doing homework.   Teenagers in Canada would be ashamed to say such things.  This is a good thing for China; bad for us.
  • Chinese Drivers will rarely yield to pedestrians.  In the West, it is considered bad form if it is done.
  • Collisions on the street that don't result in anyone being hurt won't result in shouting here in China.  Cut off someone in Canada, you will have an enemy for life.
  • The Chinese think sleeping is a hobby.  No one would say that in Canada.
  • It is not considered unusual to be living with your parents when you are 25 here in China.  In Canada if you do this, you are a loser.
  • Male friends will embrace each other here in China.  I have seen three men walking done the street arms around each other.  It is practically taboo in Canada to do this because you would be considered gay.
  • There is a lack of t-shirts that have to advertise to the world that I have been here, seen that concert or am a fan of that sports team.
  • The Chinese don't have bumper stickers on their cars.
  • Students go to school on Saturday.
  • Students will say they are studying a subject because their parents told them to.  No student would admit to ever listening to anything their parents say in Canada.
  • The Chinese, I am learning, aren't direct like Westerners are.  They will talk around till they get to the point.

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