Thursday, January 10, 2008

Back to work.

  • There is a think fog in Wuxi again.  I look out the window and I can't see a damn thing.  Just as well, because for me, as I have oft times said, Friday is Monday in the land of AKIC (though my wife is bucking for me to change this).
  • Damn!  I notice that some links I have posted in this blog don't work.  That will teach me.  I have this program that lets me write WISIWYG blog entries for my two blog sites.  I have been writing the same entry for both sites at times and had assumed that when I changed the entry over from one blog to the other that the links would be kept.  Now, I realize, much to my embarrassment, that they don't. Or maybe it was something else, I did.  I will just have to check more thoroughly before I press the publish button.
  • I am still the bad guy.  My day spent with Tony earned me the title of Mr. Don't-care-about-the-apartment-decorating.  I will go to the new apartment on my next days off.
  • The wife is going to Shanghai this weekend to buy an actual oven range for our new apartment!  Now, I care baby!
  • To wear or not wear long underwear?  That is the question.  Thanks to lack of central heating in Wuxi, you can never escape the cold.  I feel it is necessary some days to put on long johns.
  • NFL playoffs this weekend or I should say this mid-week.  I must think of a betting proposition to make with Leo.  Leo won our bet on the New Hampshire Democratic Primary.  Damn!  No fair that Leo should make money on the victory of someone who is guaranteed to increase human misery.
  • I hope I can watch the playoff games on Danish Delight.  Glug-a-lagen Touchdown!
  • Who has the sexiest legs in Wuxi?  The King of Wuxi of course.
  • Wuxi Tony Update 14.  I show him grabbing onto things.  You may notice that I did a misspeak when I said it was December 10.

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