Saturday, January 6, 2024

7:10 PM View

 A quiet Saturday evening in the Jiangyin apartment.  Anthony, my son, is out with buddies.  I’ve had my can of beer.

Is beer served in food lines?  I hear there is a lot of them in Canada these days.

One day, I’ll get a video of a high speed train on the line that runs through Casa Kaulins Jiangyin these days.

These days is a title of a song sung by Nico.  It blew me away to hear the song played in the Royal Tennenbaums movie which I have been watching and showing iat school to my students.

Ah!  The students we have.  Some of them are gems. A lot of them are lackadaisical and lacking in intellectual curiosity.

I couldn’t explain my love of Nicholas Gomez Davila to any of them.  I’m rereading the pdf I compiled of his aphorisms for the tenth time.  Here’s one:  “There is but one thing which is not vain: the sensuous perfection of the instant.” This can happen in the instance when I’ve had to tell some stupid lout to shut up. Sensuousness can be there even when your physical being starkly pains you.

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