Sunday, January 7, 2024

4:36 PM View

 I should have done did more views this Sunday but I’d been busy.  What I be doing?  Planning and other poo, if you really needs to know.  Pardon my colloquial manner of writing…

Actually, if you doesn’t like it, tough on you!

I saw a video of Vivek Ramaswamy taking a Washington Post reporter to task for asking a “Do you denounce White Supremacy?” question.  There are several ways of responding to this question but the key is to deny the premise of the question.  

First, you could say:  “Sorry! I’m not a progressive so the question is meaningless to me.  I don’t accept its premises.”

Second, you could ask the people asking, since they are progressive idiots by virtue of having asked the question, if they denounce BLM violence and anti-white racism. If they don’t, they are not asking the question in a spirit of curiosity but in a spirit of dishonesty..

Third, you could ask them, since they are progressive  by virtue of having asked the question, if they denounce wearing white boots and beige supremacy.  They’re all equally valid concepts.

The key:  don’t answer questions based on left wing, progressive, wokester, juggalo premises.  Reject the premises.  Take them to task for doing so.

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