Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy May Day!

I work today - April 30th. Then, I have tomorrow off for the May Day holiday. Jenny has suggested that we go to Li Hu for half a day. I am game, sort of. But holidays make for annoyingly large crowds here in China.

What will most of the locals do May Day? Most of them will stay home and watch television, fearing the May Day crowds.

Tony has developed this frustrated whine. It is whine that doesn't seem to indicate what he is mad about. For instance, last night he was playing with a playing card package. He was putting the cards in one by one. But when he was finished, he got angry and took the cards out. I couldn't understand what was annoying him. Was he missing cards? Was he expecting something magical to happen (like something he saw on t.v. maybe)? I couldn't understand. Taking the cards away from him because it was his bed time, he really got angry. And it took me a while to soothe him. He does this when he is putting coins in a container as well.

Jenny tells me that Tony put a pillow in the garbage.

Tony loves to goes through Jenny's purse and wallets. He loves pulling out the money and plastic cards. My wife has so much plastic. I don't mean she has lots of credit cards. Plastic V.I.P. discount cards are a popular way for stores to encourage customer loyalty here in Wuxi.

I predict a Bruins - Red Wings Stanley Cup Final. I hope I am wrong.

Applications keep flowing in for my ad. The market for teaching jobs in China must be tightening. I have heard that schools have been laying off or putting off hiring.


. said...

Hi Andis

I have tried calling you a few times but have not got any answers.

Are you pissed at me or just busy.

Hope we can go for a beer some time


wuxi andis said...


Yeah!! I have been busy, among other things.

Family first: That is my motto.