Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wuxi Stinky Water Saga part I. The water stinks and so do the streets.

The Wuxi Water Crisis continues.  On the local Wuxi Expat forum, the news keeps pouring in.  Of course, someone has said you can weather the crisis by drinking beer and even bathing in beer.

My neighbor Nordlund started to notice his water smelling Wednesday afternoon.

I have heard that the water at the Blue Bar started smelling last night.

On the streets, I have seen many people carrying bottles of water.  Just now, I saw a man with a van full of bottled water selling to a crowd of 20 people.

I have also caught a whiff of the stinky water smell as I walked the streets.

Restaurants in Wuxi use the tap water so I am wary of going into any of the hole-in-the-walls.

My pregnant wife is worried.  She is thinking of going out of town (to Nanjing, not Beixing) for the duration of the crisis.

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