Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)

At the Nanchang temple, I came upon and purchased a DVD copy of the 1964 film The Fall of the Roman Empire.  Browsing through DVDs, I picked up the DVD for a closer look because of the title.  I thought it was was grade B film because of the title and the cheesy DVD cover art, but then I saw it starred Alec Guinness and Sophia Lauren.  Alec Guinness was always a class act so I bought the film.*

Watching the The Fall these days invites comparisons to the recent Roman Epic Gladiator.   The films are based on the lives of the emperor Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus.  Both films use a fictional third character to advance their  plot. 

Both films are very watchable one time.  In terms of style and look both films are the same.  Of course, Gladiator has more gore.  The Fall is a flawed picture because of its script.  The all-star cast can't salvage the film.   Gladiator is more or less The Fall on steroids.


*The Fall also features Anthony Quayle and Omar Shariff, Guinness' co-stars from the spectacular and rewatchable Lawrence of Arabia.

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