Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fat Hairy Socialist Primate's new movie is playing at Cannes.

I know I should not use the language above in discourse.  It is very ungentlemanly.  Be that as it may, the Fat Hairy Socialist Primate I am referring to is Michael Moore whose stunts or tactics in presenting his case are a far cry from the discourses of George Bernard Shaw (Socialist) and Gilbert Keith Chesterton (Catholic Conservative) who could debate without the risk of personal animus.  Michael Moore is no gentleman.  He was invited to Charlton Heston's house in the spirit of free and gentlemanly debate.  Moore made film mocking an old man in the throes of senility.  So fuck Michael Moore.

It is ironic that the Socialist primate has released a movie at the time that the U.S. senate is drafting legislation to deal with the American illegal immigration problem.   Why do all these people want to come to a country where the Health Care is as bad as Moore says it is?  Didn't Mexico have a revolution in the twentieth century that brought with it socialized medical care?  Maybe compassionate people would want these immigrants to leave America and its inhuman medical system...

But that would mean having to not use the America is racist club that all decent people use to beat on America with.


Danny said...

You really think health care is at all related to illegal immigration? That's the kind of logic that people use to prove that the Chinese government is swell; after all, we moved there, right?

Moore uses enough absurd "logical" flourishes to make his arguments; no need for you to use your own.

. said...

I think it is safe to say that Micheal Moore thinks that not AKIC.

As for the Chinese Government it is all realy a matter of perspective isn't it.

Danny said...

There's enough legit stuff to go after him with. Why resort to straw men?