Monday, July 28, 2008

Things I saw Monday.

  • I took the bus to work Monday morning. I saw a fellow at the back of the bus wearing a shirt that said (I am correcting for the misspellings): Corporal Herman Goering Panzer Division March 1942.
  • I have seen bus passengers board the bus from the back door, especially when the bus is crowded. I am not sure if they are allowed to do this and I can't say that I have seen these back-boarders make an attempt to pay the fare. Perhaps, they are doing what I am thinking they are doing: sneaking on the bus.
  • I caught of a little girl standing in a basin as her mother washed her in the front of their shop. China always provides you with these nasty sights if you are not careful.
  • They are opening a play place for kids near the Toys R Us in Wuxi, China.
  • My wife bought Tony an inflatable Dolphin to wrestle with.
  • Many Chinese students think that the Welfare State increases individual freedom, and yet they prefer freedom to be responsible to freedom from responsibility.
  • I had a student who is studying philosophy in university. How could this be? I asked him. Most Chinese parents would tell their children they could not get a job studying such a subject. He responded that his parents were academics and that it was okay by them if he tried to become a professor.
  • In the evening, I always see the rising cumulo nimbus clouds but it does not always rain later. I saw the clouds yesterday but nothing happened later.

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