Sunday, July 27, 2008


  • I work for a short time on Monday. I might as well take the extra money while I can get it.
  • My wife has hired a maid to help her with the cleaning as I asked her to. I see from Sunday from a burden Tony is. He can be whiny and unsure in his demands. Last night, I had a sequence with him where he wanted me to pick him up but as soon as I picked him up he would squirm (which I assumed to mean that he wanted to be taken somewhere or that maybe that he wanted to be on the ground so he could crawl - who can say?).
  • During the night, Tony was up for 20 minutes. I assume the heat was getting to him.
  • Having Tony sleep beside the parents submits the elders to kicks and head-butts and grabbings with sharp claws.
  • The last two times I took the electric bike to work I saw a cyclist lying on the pavement after being hit by a vehicle.
  • I have just uploaded WTU 147 to Youtube. For some reason, I haven't been able to upload embedded videos to this site from Youtube. So, this entry, I give you a link.

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