Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Men sleeping on Bridges.

Going from Hui Shan New City to downtown Wuxi, China, I often cross the kilometer long Hui Shan Big Bridge. The past two evenings, I have seen men sleeping on the bridge's sidewalk because it is cool there. Tonight, I saw three men sleeping on the bridge. A party of two had their pedal powered cart parked on the edge of a traffic lane while they slept nearby. The other man was sprawled on the sidewalk so that anyone walking on it would have to step over him.

I have heard that somewhere on the Internet, you can find a site with photos of Chinese sleeping. I have seen them sleep in many strange-to-me locations including a bridge and on the roofs of houses.

Poor Luis, our trainer from Montreal. The IELTS (or is it EILTS) assistant named Snowie keeps rejecting his proclamations of love. I am afraid he will leave Wuxi with a broken heart. But I can't blame him for trying. Snowie is one awesome chick who would make any man a good wife.

The corporate training our school does has me riding vehicles that take Wuxi's elevated roads. The number of these roads in Wuxi is incredible. The effect that they have on one's perspective of Wuxi radically changes when one is on them. Street level, Wuxi is a crowded third world city. On the elevated roads, Wuxi looks like a futuristic city of tall buildings and quiet freeways.

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