Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday for me, but not for you

One more day to go
One more day and I can tell you it is Saturday because I don't work Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and I am writing this blog entry on what you would conventionally call Monday morning.  Kapeche? 
J and T back on the 24th
The 24th which is tomorrow, as I type this, and which is Tuesday by your way of thinking and Saturday by my wonderful, effervescent, truthful, paradigm-shifting, currently unconventional way of thinking, will see my wife Jenny and son Tony return to Wuxi.  They will arrive tomorrow afternoon at the secondary bus station, which is close to Baoli but doesn't share the same plaza with the train station as the other bus station that you may know.
Gone with the Wind
AKIC spaces live readers may know that I was watching GWTW last night.  That is, if they watched Vlog Seven.  As I type this, I am two thirds of the way through the thing.  It looks like history written by the losers.  Only in America.

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