Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wife fires maid.

The wife told me she was thinking of firing the maid. And when she did yesterday, she told me rather matter-of-factly long after I had arrived home last night.

Why she did fire the maid? The maid was starting to show up late and leave early on her two hour shift. As well the maid was also employed at my friend's house and because of the breaking off of pleasantries between our wives, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Not having a dryer or automatic dishwasher in the house, the maid was really getting under the skin of my wife by constantly harping on it.

The wife and I didn't much sleep last night because we had Tony sleep between us the whole night. The little bugger was rolling and elbowing and kicking us the whole night. I don't think I got an hour of sleep, as didn't my wife. And now I am feeling it.

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