Saturday, December 13, 2008

Foot Gloves

My wife is wearing yellow foot gloves. That is, her socks have, like gloves for hands, slots into which one can insert an individual toe. I have never seen that before. Do rich people have such things? I wonder.

Tony was saying something this morning and saying it over and over again. It made sense to him. And he was saying it with a big smile on his face.

I work overtime today. Something I must do to keep the wife and child in comfort.

My birthday is coming. The wife was asking me what I wanted. And I have to admit that I had no wish list other than a cool toy both Tony and I can enjoy.

Leave papers unattended for a few minutes, and Chinese students will immediately try to look through them. I knew this and made the mistake yesterday as the students found my sheet of results of their latest test. I was too tired to protest. I will have to slowly and methodically plot my revenge.

I have a small place in my cold heart for Minnesota. It was the place that my grandparents lived so I spent some time there growing up. I always want to see the NFL Vikings do well. However, it distresses me to see their electoral choices are so liberal-democrat. There seemed to be a ray of hope for the place when it appeared that that loathsome figure Al Franken (author of Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot) was narrowly defeated in his hope to win a Minnesota senate seat. But there has been a recount and Franken is continuing the tradition, stared by Al Gore, of going to court to contest the results of an election and so have the process run on for months and months and months. Now, Franken may even win after all. It is a shame. How can anyone think that electing that rude, unfunny man can be any good for anyone?

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