Friday, December 5, 2008

Still suffering but not as much.

The ride home tonight in the cold was torturous but I at least didn't have a prolonged episode of the shivers when I got home. I wore more layers including a sweater.

However, my throat became sore during my last class of the evening. I covered my throat on my ride home but it hurts to swallow.

Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has managed to stave off the fall of his government. He has also won the battle of public opinion if the polls can be believed. Would-be PM Stephan Dion is probably the big loser in the CCCP episode. It is gratifying to hope that Canada has not gone so far leftward and that people are as incensed at the two stooges who made the deal with the Bloc head, as I am. Could anyone expect to seriously believe that the Separatists were going to support the coalition without extracting something in return? Jacques Parizeau, a prominent separatist, gloated at the coaltion. Could anything be more damaging to the CCCP cause?

When I arrived home tonight, the wife and son were asleep in the living room where the heater is. I will join them there when I finish this blog entry.

The wife shames me with her energy today. I have been a laggard with the cold; she keeps moving.

I know I am uncool to get mad about obviously bad things because there is some underlying cause that I lack the nuance to see.

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