Monday, December 22, 2008

I am not leaving till you pay!

An anecdote and two sights from my electric bike ride home to report:

  1. Translation services were needed at a police station for a French man staying at a hotel in Wuxi, China. It seems that he thought the local woman he brought to his hotel room was there for a one night stand. The woman thought he was employing her services. When the woman did not receive the money she was expecting, she didn't leave the hotel room. Local police had to be called in to settle the dispute. The Frenchman got away with not paying. This man obviously did not read my tips on getting through the recession. But he gave me one I never thought of: playing the dumb foreigner with a local prostitute can you save you money.
  2. I had thought that the cheaper world fuel prices would mean no fuel line-ups in China. But on the way home tonight, I passed a lineup of a hundred or so trucks at a fuel station.
  3. I saw just one accident scene on the way home but the accident must have been a doozie. There was debris piled everywhere and one person was put into the ambulance.

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