Friday, August 8, 2008

Opening Ceremony.

The Ceremony was four hours long! The parade of nations was never ending. I didn't realize there were so many countries in the world.

I thought the way the torch was lit was cheesy. They had a man suspended by wire run around the top of the stadium with the torch before he lit the big flame.

The women who dressed like Budweiser Girls with their tall white boots were cute. They were part of the human fencing used to corral the athletes in the infield of stadium after they finished their circuit in the Parade of Nations. As each of the 205 nations entered the stadium, you could not help but notice the girls as they swayed back and forth kicking those white boots in the air.

During the parade of nations, the King of Wuxi and I started a game of finding the worse thing we could say about any country. When we saw Denmark, we wondered if they would go in the right direction around the stadium. At least five countries were notable only because of massacres or genocides that occured there. When we saw the Palestinians, we yelled keep them separate from the Jews!

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