Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Olympic fatigue.

  • I am sick of the Olympics already. I think we are only three or four days into them. I am in a profession where I have to make conversation about them all the time. Everyone gives me the same responses. And now that the event is here after four years of talking about it, the anticipatory effect has quickly worn off. Most Chinese still go about their daily routine and maybe get a chance in the evening to catch an hour or so of coverage before they go to bed.
  • I was stopped at a light while on my electric bike or scooter. A very small van full of five people pulled up beside me. I saw a passenger look at me and then not so subtlety nudge his neighbor to look at the laowei too. A not uncommon occurrence but yet an annoying one nonetheless.
  • I was too busy today. I didn't complete tick off all entries on my to do list.
  • I don't have a spot to recharge my bike this evening. I will have to get up earlier so I can hopefully move the bike to a spot where I can recharge tomorrow.
  • Pigs have moved into our building. They like to leave their garbage on the second half floor. That is, between the first and second floors, there is a level where you can turn from on set of stairs to another. As I get down to that level, I am daily greeted by the sight of two garbage bags. Neighbors have complained and they have been warned by security but they persist. My wife tells me that eventually the security will turn off their electricity.
  • Our runner, --- ------, human garbage as it were, missed out on the bonus the school gave us for having the best selling month ever.

1 comment:

wuxi andis said...

I have withdrawn the name by request. Sad to say, the person I had mentioned by name in this entry has returned to Wuxi. Some people, I tell ya.....