Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sesame Bread Pigout with Cheese.

Every time I go to Carrefour, the French supermarket chain in Wuxi, I try to buy two loaves of sliced sesame street bread.  As soon as I arrive at the apartment and have put away the groceries, I will have pig out on the sesame seed bread.  That is, I eat so ravenously and quickly that the bread is gone in three minutes.  And I am talking both loaves...

This afternoon, I got some cheese slices.  So I will have Cheese Sandwich Festival.  As John Derbyshire says, two weeks of Chinese food and you find yourself craving the simplest things like a cheese sandwich.

I made the wife an sandwich, but she wants me to put a chocolate cheese slice in.  Chocolate Cheese!  I had never heard of such a thing.  Speaking of which, the wife showed me a package of almond juice powder she had bought and asked me if I would like it....

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