Monday, November 5, 2007

Haven't seen much lately.

I haven't seen much since reporting about the thieves on the Renmin Road bridge trying to pickpocket cyclists.  Students have told them the usual modus operandi is for the thieves in pairs to hide in dark underpasses.  These robbers weren't too sophisticated.  They  not have figured out how to steal cars.

Last night, I had a student from Inner Mongolia.  An area of grasslands and horses.  This student had ridden a horse which earned awes from the local students in the class.

The neighbors with the yappy dog have complained about the noise we make.   Ah.  The nerve!  But we have a baby so what can we do?

When Tony cries and then falls asleep, his modus operandi is to wake up twenty minutes later crying.  It happens sure as clockwork but I have a hard time convincing the wife that I didn't wake the Toner up.  This crying nap is the eye of the storm in which I play the role of the hapless villain.

I am not impressed with the changes done to  I had used my site there ( to show rss feeds of  But tumblr will only show the start of the blogspot feed leaving the reader to link the rest.  No good if you can't access blogspot in China.

In the NFL, the Patriots are nine and oh.  My New York Jets are one and eight.  My Seahawks are in first place with a four and four record. 

I did see a pair of shoes left beside a courtyard bench last night.  The owner was no where to be seen.  I took a photo which I will publish eventually.  Now I have the  USB at another location.  It is another item for the pondering of the eternal question of how a shoe got into the intersection.

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