Sunday, October 12, 2008

Days off spent at Hospital with Tony.

Sunday and most of Monday are my days off. I spent them at the Children's Hospital in downtown Wuxi with my wife and son. It hasn't be the happiest of days for the wife and I. The wife is very tired. She has been holding Tony a lot, especially because he would never still with the drip attached to him. A few instances, the drip has become unattached and the wife panics so.

This unplanned hospital stay is really more than we can afford at the moment. They tell me that he may have to stay there a week. I wonder if it is necessary as the hospitals in Wuxi always seem to want the patients to stay as long as they as can so they can bilk them as much as they can.

Tony is doing fine as the above photo shows. He has his miserable moments when the nurses and doctors come to treat him, but his is energetic and is sometimes happy as well, again like in the above photo.

I nearly got in a fight on Sunday at the hospital with a Lookie-Lou. Wuxi people love gawking. Watching accident scenes is a popular spectator pastime here. Any trouble on the streets draws crowds. I have heard that at some accident scenes, people would stick their heads into the car to look at the victims. There seems to be no respect for people's privacy. At the hospital, we have a private room but that doesn't stop people from wanting to look in. During an episode with an unattached drip, the door to our room was open and I saw this man look at us with a dumb gaping look and I wanted to punch him in the face. It reminded me of the prying look a Chinese onlooker that happened at an Expat funeral held in Wuxi - the brother of the deceased wanted to attack the onlooker. I gestured at the man looking into our hospital room to mind his own business and the next thing I know he was wanting to attack me. He was held back.

It turned out that he was in a room across the hallway from us and he had sick twins to deal with. It unfortunate for him but he was still an asshole I don't go gawking into his room. I minded my own frigging business.
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