Monday, February 25, 2008


As a regular AKIC reader may know, my days off from work are Wednesday and Thursday and I like to go on and on on about how the days of the week should be adjusted to suit my schedule.  Anyway, I can say it is AKIC TGIF.  Or should I say TGITu! (Thank God it's Tuesday!)?

Tuesday or Friday, it is cold and wet today.  I have put the long johns back on. 

My poor wife has to go to the new apartment this afternoon.

I have a long day today.  I won't see Tony till late tonight.

Someone in Canada looking at the photos I published yesterday of Tony in a high chair and a stroller, asked if we had heat in the house.  In response, I can say we don't have central heating and the heat sources we do have aren't enough to heat certain parts of the house.  And this Canadian is right to say that Tony has a hard time doing anything wearing all that puffy clothing.  It drives me crazy that Tony has to wear all that stuff.  He seems happy to get out of the clothes.  However, my wife, being Chinese, insists on him wearing all the layers because she doesn't want him to be cold.  So many Chinese babies look like squat Michelin men.  Boy, they look ugly when dressed so.

I have some cousins coming to visit in April.  One of them just informed me that because of the Olympics, they are upping security in Beijing.  So because she will spend some time in Beijing, the consulate in Canada asked why hotels she would be staying at.

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