Friday, February 1, 2008

It is coming down now.

It is 600 PM, Friday night in Wuxi.  I would normally be teaching a class now; not blogging.  But the students aren't coming to our downtown location for classes.  I have just a seven PM class and a eight PM class.  Both have but one student.  I have a feeling that the eight PM student won't show.  So I may be able to sneak home at eight PM and see my wife and child.

The wife just phoned me asking if perhaps they decided to cancel classes at school.  I told her they haven't.  She tells me it is a big snow out by the apartment  and that we also forgot to buy eggs yesterday.

One of the Trainers who was outside tells me that it is very slippery outside.

One of the Trainers thinks that if McCain gets the Republican nomination, he will make Huckabee his running mate.  He reasons that the Republicans need the right-wing Christian vote because otherwise most Republicans won't go out and vote if they don't like their candidate.  But Huckabee is a left-wing Christian I told him and most of the Republican party is already mad at McCain for his dumb leftward leaning decisions and rhetoric.  My colleague, being a left-winger, insisted that Huckabee was a member of the Christian right.  That was the first I heard of such a suggestion and I attributed to the Left Wing's obsession with the Republicans being the party of evangelicals.  If McCain ever made Huckabee his running mate, he would lose half the Republican party.  McCain needs to appeal to the small government conservatives of his party first.

I saw the police carrying some long poles.  They are using them to remove snow from trees to prevent the mass breaking of branches that occurred when Wuxi experienced its first big dump of snow.

This dump is supposed to be the big one, El Snow Grande.

Where is the global warming?  I ask. 

The most snow in Wuxi in 20 years. 

Still more Africans sending me CV's.

Wuxi TV news says the government is doing a great job of dealing with the snow.  The snow has pre-empted my Olympic TV spot.

I don't have boots for this weather.  I am wearing a five year old pair of airwalks because they are the most water proof footwear I have.

I have 80 squares bought on my 10 by 10 Super Bowl Pool sheet. 

I thought to ask the students "do you treat those imposters triumph and disaster the same?".  But then I thought not to.  They didn't look like the smartest fish in the sea.

I don't think Wuxi has any Snow Plows.  I haven't seen any downtown.

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