Thursday, February 14, 2008

Back to Work

It is Monday in AKIC land after a long holiday.  What horrors await at work?  What have I been away from?

Ah.  It's all good.

Last evening, Tony, my wife and her family went to a public bathhouse.  I stayed home and read my Alex the Great bio.

I didn't do much for Valentine's.  Everywhere was busy.  My wife tried to book a hotel room for her parents for last night but she learned that couples had been booking all the rooms for Valentine's night.  As well, the price of everything was jacked up.

I have a what-to-wear quandary today.  Temperatures are getting warmer in Wuxi.  Should I or shouldn't I wear my long johns?  That is the question for this morning.

Tony's use of his hands is improving rapidly.  He can now take a key-ring toy and hold onto the individual pieces of the ring with great dexterity.  One of the key-ring toys he has, has three keys on it.  Last night, he was transferring the key-ring from one hand to other by holding onto a different key each time.  Witnessing these signs of your child's development is a wonderful thing.

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