Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mitt withdraws!

I hear Mitt Romney has withdrawn from the presidential race.  He was never my first, second or third choice.  But he turned into Obi Wan-Kenobi (my only hope) after my other guys withdrew.  Now, that he is gone, what will the conservatives do?  Will Huckabee join McCain's ticket as the V.P.?

It is all so disappointing.  Republicans need to rally together because the Democrats are running left wingers who foolishly believe in the power of government to fix the world.  But they chosen the lamest candidates possible in which to rally behind.  These particular candidates have shown themselves to be all too willing to throw out Republican principles and deal with the Democrats.

I can't see McCain beating Obama; and  against Hilary, McCain can hope that maybe animus against that particular woman will give him a victory, but I doubt it.  The latter match-up will be a repeat of Dole-Clinton '96.  An old military veteran Senator against a Clinton.

I feel sad for the King of Wuxi also because his endorsement of Mitt has been unheeded.  I play the King's Romney Youtube endorsements for the last time.

The above player is a  play list showing the four videos I made of the King's Mitt Romney endorsements.  The Romanos pizza video will show that he suffered from a Mitt Romney fixation, so sit through it, please. 


What do the Chinese do at Spring Festival time?  They watch a lot of T.V. 

I normally don't watch much T.V. but the last two days I have been.  I joined My wife as she watched the CNY eve gala broadcast from Beijing.  A lot of that show was blatant propaganda for the Chicoms.  I saw a singer sing an inspirational-sounding tune accompanied by images of Chairman Mao, Deng Xiao Peng, Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintiao.  I saw dancers dressed like soldiers - could you imagine the U.S. Marines  dancing like chorus-line girls or doing the splits like ballet dancers?  That best describes what I saw these men dressed up as soldiers doing.  All viewers were made to know that 56 nationalities lived in China.  At one point, I saw people in all sorts of ethnic costumes swaying back and forth behind some singers dressed in military uniforms.

Last night, I saw Charlton Heston and Chinese military propaganda played back-to-back on Chinese T.V.  How do you ask could a noted anti-Communist like Heston be  on Chinese T.V.?  There is a military channel in the new multi-channel Chinese T.V. universe.  It showed a documentary about female military spies that Heston happened to be narrating.  And for filler, of course the channel showed propaganda video of the Chinese military.  What strange juxtapositions the need for content can bring.

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