Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Tuesday Morning was gray and it was raining heavily so I took Tony to school by taxi.  We both sat in the back seat for the trip.  I had to give the driver directions to get to the school so I did a lot of you (右) and zuo (左) gai, once I remembered that "wang" did not mean "left" but "turn". 
When we arrived at school, it was raining particularly heavy so I had the awkward task of taking Tony and the umbrella from out of the Taxi to the school entrance.  After having made sure that the driver would wait for us, I took Tony in my arms, and got out of the taxi.  I saw that I couldn't easily open the umbrella.  So, I kept Tony in my arms, letting him hold onto to the unopened umbrella, and I ran to the school entrance where I quickly deposited him in the arms of the school greeting staff -- we didn't get that wet thankfully, Tony and I.
I returned to the Taxi, immediately, not saying anything to the workers at the gate.  Back at the Taxi, I took the front seat, and the driver said something about the back ("hou mian" (后面)).  I turned around and saw that I had left the backdoor ajar and that the rain had made the whole door wet.

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