Friday, December 29, 2023

8:21 AM View

 I’ve just finished reading Anna Karenina and Dave Collum’s YIR.  Both satisfying reads.

I very much can identify with the character Levin in Anna Karenina.  His thoughts about the big questions are akin to mine.  He comes to realize that Christ is the source of goodness in this world,  He knows to the fiber of his bones that the progressives are wrong even if they can beat him in verbal sparring.  He hates himself for getting drawn into arguments and losing his temper.  In these ways, the character resembles me.  But he is a more practical man of the earth than I am.  Anyway, Anna Karenina is a great novel.  So much of it rings true to life.

Collum’s YIR was a good recap of the year filled with wit and insight.  His writing intermixed with tweets, memes and images makes a powerful document for future historians to ponder.

I wait for my son to arise so I can make him breakfast,

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