Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tony a Saint.

Tony was a well-behaved one year old guest at my friend's house warming party tonight. He slept and only wanted to be held by his parents. He had no interest in rummaging about my friend's stuff.

Why this should be so was a mystery to me. I wonder if Tony was intimidated by the other children. He is intimidated by the pretty girls at school wanting to hold him. He will regret this later in life, I hope.

I was listening to the latest edition of Radio Derb. John Derbyshire made a hilarious comment about the advocates of promiscuous buggery getting all into a twitter because Sarah Palin and her hunky husband may have done the big nasty before getting married.

I am getting there. Soon, I will have finished West of the Pecos by Zane Grey.

Canadians, even the dumb ones who vote NDP, Liberal, Bloc Quebecois, CCF and Progressive Conservative (still!) should support the election of Sarah Palin, Ice Hockey Mom, as Vice President of the Country south of them.

As I write this, I am wearing flip-flops, underwear and a bathrobe.

A spat of putting ads on the Internet for Trainers at our school has yielded two responses worthy of replying to. I am sorry but the management at our school only wants non-native speakers.

Coming home tonight just after six pm, it was very dark in my neighborhood. The street lights were not turned on. And so for a little while, I felt rain was coming because the clouds were very dark till it dawned on me that there were no lights - normally in Canada, in every place I have lived, the lights would be on, but this is China.

Dick Morris says the Democrats are in trouble. Yes!!!! I frigging hope he is correct!

With the Democrats in trouble, it is a good time to be a he-man, a red-blooded real man, a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is rugged individualist, John Wayne but real, G Gordon Liddy, meat and potatoes eater, et cetra. And what better way to celebrate manhood that the greatest rite of manhood ever invented, and of course it was invented by the Americans, the National Football League? The NFL season opened on Thursday with the Giants beating the Redskins 16 to 7. (*By rights, this should be in my other blog, but what are you going to do about it: Nancy Boy!)

Go Jets! Go Seahawks! Go Vikings!

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