Sunday, September 7, 2008

Canadian Election. The CBC discusses the right to be fat.

Canada is going to have an election this fall. Our election will start well after the American and finish well before theirs. Which is just as well, for as David Warren says, our election will be boring.

The attention I will give to the election in my country, while the American election takes place, will be analogous to the attention I give to the Canadian Football League while the National Football League season is on: I will practically ignore it. Personality and Idea wise, the choice of leaders we have are a joke. Steven Harper is getting respect from people who haven't got a clue. He would only be doing a praiseworthy job, in my eyes, if these people were frothing at the mouth in hatred of him and we could talk of a Harper Derangement Syndrome. The Liberals are running Stephan Dion, the French Joe Clark. The NDP, our really stupid Socialist Party (as opposed to the Liberals who steal Socialist ideas to keep themselves in power), has Jack Layton as their leader. Any purported Adult who is leader of the NDP or is a member of the NDP should be banned from any responsible conversation or organization. And then we have the Bloc Quebecois, a federal party representing the World's stupidest secessionist movement, and the Green party who have found a way to be dumber than the NDP. Like the world records that are always set at Olympics, humans find new ways to be stupid as the latter two Canadian political parties prove. (If stupidity was an Olympic sport, we would be dominating like the Chinese do at ping pong).

Any sane person has no choice but to hope that the Tories get a majority government. The admitted outrages against common sense that have occurred, while the Tories have been in power, these past few years, would surely earn them an ouster from government were it not for the fact that there is no other party who did not go along with them. No other party would quash the abortionist getting an Order of Canada, disband the CBC, CRTC and the Human Rights Commission, send forces to Iraq to make up for the stabbing of our allies in the back, and bring market forces back into Health care.

The only hope is maybe the Tories will do these things when they get a majority government. PM Harper, one could argue, has had to pussy-foot with a minority government. But there is every indication that he doesn't have the guts to change the Canadian Consensus towards mediocrity that David Warren talks about.

Speaking of the CBC, I had an opportunity to listen, for the first time in years, to it while at my friend's house. He got the feed off the Internet and using loudspeakers to pipe it into his patio. I heard parts of a documentary called "The Right to be Fat." This program was so mired in left-wing assumptions that no conservative could take part. A conservative would say people could darn well do what they please and leave argument at that. But if that is a question for you, you can go down strange paths of thought as this documentary proved. I heard one advocate complain that Fat People waste a lot of money in the Health Care System. "Why would you put trudge into the magnificent machine that is your body? You are killing yourself, you know." This could only be countered by another advocate saying that Fat People were victims. In fact, during the AIDs crisis of the 80s or 90s, Fat people were victimized even further because it was assumed that they couldn't get it because they were so ugly and all. A man from the Netherlands was then asked how they treated Fat people in Western Europe. Normally, one should laugh at this nonsense when but taxpayer money goes to it, and there seems to be a consensus that this sort of programming is sacred and should be subsidized as an act of Canadian patriotism.

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