Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wuxi, China Oil Spill.

  • Just when I think I don't have something to write about in this blog, something out of the ordinary happens.  This evening, on the bus ride home from work, I saw a woman spill a couple gallons of, what I assume was, some sort of cooking oil on a crowded bus.  This woman had done some shopping at Carrefour.  She managed to park herself and her bags of purchases in the center of the bus.  I was standing about ten feet away listening to a podcast on my mobile when suddenly I was pushed by a crowd of people avoiding what I first thought was a prone body laying on the ground.  I quickly realized that they were all looking at and avoiding a puddle caused by the tipping over of a plastic container of the oil.  The woman whose container spilled had quite the mess and embarrassment on her hands.  She first had to pick up the bags that she lying near the oil.  Her shoes were drenched in the oil and she had no paper with which to clean up the oil.  Others whose shoes had been immersed in the oil were sliding.  The area of the puddle being about six feet round caused the crowded bus to be intimately cramped.  I was waiting to see someone slip and fall heels-over-head in the puddle.  The closest thing to this that I did see was a woman holding to the riding strap for dear life as the bus lurched forward after dropping off some passengers at a stop.
  • I asked the students to tell me someone they knew who was very opinionated.  One of the students said I was the most opinionated person they know.  When I asked her why she said this, she said she read my blog.

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