Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our trip to the Hospital. Canadian Political Update with the King of Wuxi.

Though we were up later than we hoped this morning, we got to the hospital and the wife had the battery of tests she needed done done.   The doctors told us the baby is very big:  big enough to be ready to come out now if it was an ordinary baby.  And because of its Kaulins bigness it may well come early.  And so  I will take off August 24 to September 7.  The wife went to the Ultrasonic department and had an ultrasound test done.  I watched the monitor and I saw either Tony's hand or foot.  The baby is now placed right-side up so Jenny may be able to have a natural birth.  So, good news on the baby front!

I am trying to get the wife to agree to making a Revenge of Jenny pregnancy update video.  As it is, I will make a short update video entitled Odds and Sods.

The Conservative Minority Government is still in power in Canada.  No election in the next few months because parliament is in Summer recess.  The opposition parties may want to force a general election in the Fall.  If there is no election in the Fall, the King says there will be no Winter general election because the voters would not like it.  "Why would they like it?" I asked the King.  "Because it is too cold and the voters may vote against the government to spite them for calling an election in Winter."  After telling the King that in my time with the great unwashed, I had never known anyone to think that way (and neglecting to mention that I have only met people who theorize that voters think this way), I suggested that the only people who really did not like Winter elections were politicians because they would have to go out in the cold and fight for their jobs.  Employing the King's logic, you would not want to have a Spring election because the weather is nice and voters don't want to be bothered or they are watching the hockey playoffs; you would not want to have a Summer election because it is too hot to go outside; and you would not want to have a Fall election because the Soccer Moms are too busy taking their children to school; and so you might as well not have elections at all and just let the Liberal Party of Canada rule.  Truth of the matter is most people don't give a shit about politics.  The ones, who do, will vote and involve themselves no matter what.  As long as the ones who involve themselves in politics don't become too presumptive in their use of power and leave all of those who can't be bothered alone,  everyone could be happy.

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