Thursday, July 5, 2007

Flooding in Wuxi. Wuxi Jenny Pregnancy Update V2 now on Youtube!!

Walking about town with the wife today, I noticed the local papers had all sorts of photos of flooded streets.  One photo showed a couple of taxis barreling through about two feet of water.  I got the wife to read the paper for me and she told me the flooding happened on Zhongshan Road near NanChang Market  because of the heavy rain that fell Wednesday morning. 

I was told that one of the vice mayors of Wuxi said that there was to be a lot of sewer work being done this summer.  Yes,  all of Wuxi would soon have sewers.  I wondered if the flooding was because of some fuck-up on the part of the Wuxi city works.  It wouldn't surprise me.

The heavy rain makes a brief appearance in my latest Youtube video:

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